Home Service Providers
Arborist, Tree Trimming
Scott Harris | 512-406-1045 | arboristscott@gmail.com
Steve Kinslow | 512-310-7545 | skinslow@bartlett.com | Bartlett Tree Experts | Bartlett.com
BBQ Grill Cleaning
Gerry Vertz | 512-689-4477 | gerry@austinbbqcleaning.com | Austin BBQ Cleaning | www.austinbbqcleaning.com
Carpet Repair and Cleaning
Brenden Gibb | 737-808-0600 | mintcarpetrepair@gmail.com | AustinTxCarpetRepair.com
JL Stevens | 512-264-2504 | jlstevens@heavensbestaustin.
Dryer Vent Cleaning
Brett Ketchum | 512-731-5299 | brett@firemandryerman.com | FiremanDryerman.com
Augie Lopez | 512-426-9388 | augielopez7777@yahoo.com | ITNJ Electric
Dial One Electrical Services | 512-371-0001 | DialOneElectrical.com
Garage Door Repair and Install
Carlos Acosta | 512-947-7076 | inquires@austinaffordablegaragedoors.com
Cedar Park Overhead Doors | 512-335-7441 | Sales@cedarparkgaragedoors.com
General Contractor/Home Builder
Ethan Hyams | 512-590-0114 | ethan@hyamshomebuilding.com | hyamshomebuilding.com | Hyams Homebuilding
Tony Villareal | 512-773-3087 | Build 512
Gutter Cleaning and Repair and Christmas Light Hanging
Gary Saunders | 512-657-5076 | Gaz.antsaund@yahoo.com
Foundation Repair
Larry Becker | Capital Foundations | 512-990-1117 | info@capital-foundations.com | Capital-Foundations.com
Home Staging
Jeanne Kramer | 512-560-9765 | restylemyhome@gmail.com | Restyle-Homestaging.com
Sharon Dugan | 512-839-1060 | inspireredesign@gmail.com
HVAC Service, Repair and Replacement
Cool Horizons | 512-961-9779 | (o) 961-953-9779 | jojo@coolhorizons.net
Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Window Treatments
Robin Bond | 512-358-7200 | RobinBondInteriors.com | DrappedAustin.com
Adrian Fowler | 512-934-7473 | adrian@yarddoc.com | YardDoc.com
Carlos Villatoro | 512-207-0066 | carlos.villatoro@att.net | Top of the Line Landscaping
Locksmith / Re-Key
Mr. ReKey | 1-888-677-3539 | service@rekey.com
Mold Inspections
Mold Inspection Sciences | 512-535-2493 | www.moldinspectiontexas.com
Mortgage Lender
Tommy Hollahan | 512-423-1710 | tommy@mortgageatx.com | Thrive Mortgage | MortgageATX.com
Jesus Munoz | 512-312-6453 | mundopalcom@hotmail.com
Monica Sparks | 512-426-8176 | monica@privateryanpainting.com | PrivateRyanPainting.com
Pest Control
Scott May | 512.333.4667 | service@blueplanetpestcontrol.com | BluePlanetPestControl.com
Mike Edwards | 512.415.4099 | MD Termite & Pest Control | MDTermite@hotmail.com
Rick Lusk | 512-451-0519 | austinsbestplumbing@yahoo.com | Austin’s Best Plumbing
Pool Builder
Mark Whitehead | 325-668-8300 | mark@masterpoolsofaustin.com | Master Pools of Austin
Pool Maintenance
Ryan Wilson | 512-917-9992 | wilsonpoolsolutions@gmail.com | Wilson Pool Solutions
Pool Repair
Jeremiah Christianson | 512-537-7479 | morningstarpoolstx@gmail.com | Morning Star Pools
Roof Repair and Replacement
Tyler Taunton | 512-831-1815 | tyler@texasroofrepair.com | TexasRoofRepair.com
Eric Meador | 512-940-0372 | eric@skywallconstruction.com| Skywallconstruction.com
Slab Leak Specialist
Josh Veach | 903-880-7792 | Accurate Leak and Line | AccurateLeak.com
Septic Inspection/Service/Pumping
Jan Witt | 512-380-9024 | jan@rainbowseptic.com | www.rainbowseptic.com | Rainbow Septic
Stucco Inspection and Repair
Mission Plastering | 512-266-2633 | MissionPlastering.com
Structural Engineer
Coby Osborne | 512-964-6117 | coby@cdoengineering.com
Water Well Service and Repair
Glass Well Service | 512-288-1963 | www.glasswellservice.com
Window Cleaning, Power Washing
Shine Window Cleaning | 512-675-1204 | www.Shine-WindowCleaning.com
Kim Sherman, Realtor
Resident Realty, LTD
3355 Bee Cave Road Ste 502
Austin, Texas 78746
(512) 468-4387
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